Last updated 17-09-2018
First and foremost, we want you to know that your privacy concerns us, and we take the responsibility you directly or indirectly have entrusted us, seriously. This policy explains how the KILROY Foundation collects personal data, use the data and in which situations and to whom the data is disclosed. The KILROY Foundation is a non-profit organisation set up to improve education opportunities throughout the world. The KILROY Foundation does this through education related aid projects in developing countries as well as offering grants to students in the Nordics, Belgium, Poland and the Netherlands. Collection and processing of personal data is an unavoidable and necessary part of conducting this kind of activities and to fulfil the purposes described in this privacy policy. The KILROY Foundation is a data responsible for the processing of personal data for these purposes. If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy or to our handling of your personal data, our address is: The KILROY Foundation A/S CVR 34757526 Nytorv 5, DK-1450 København K, Denmark. More information about the processing of personal data at the KILROY Foundation can also be obtained by writing to [email protected]. |
1. Protection and safety is important to us Responsible handling of personal data collected as part of the activities, is crucial to the KILROY Foundation’s objectives and reputation. In this privacy policy, we will account for how personal data is collected and used when you donate to the KILROY Foundation, as well as when you are an applicant for a grant, grant recipient or a submitter of queries, and how you can gain access to your own personal data. |
2. What is personal data? Personal data is any kind of data about an identified or identifiable living individual. An identifiable individual is understood as a person, who directly or indirectly can be identified, among other things, by an identification number or one or more elements, that are particular to a given person’s identity. |
3. What type of personal data are we processing and why? Your personal data will be used for different purposes depending on your relationship to the KILROY Foundation. The data collected may vary, depending on whether you donate to the KILROY Foundation, apply for a grant, are awarded a grant or submit queries via webpage, but in general it will be data regarding applicant’s administration, request’s administration, collection and management of donations, grants administration and data regarding the KILROY Foundation rights and obligations. Failure to provide personal data on your part, may mean that the KILROY Foundation is unable to fulfill its obligations towards you as an applicant for a grant, grant recipient, benefactor or a requester. As a rule, the KILROY Foundation only collects and processes regular personal data. In specific cases of applying for a grant, it can be necessary for us to a limited extent, to process sensitive data or data on purely private matters (e.g. information regarding criminal offences), as well as information regarding your incomes or social security numbers (e.g. in connection with administration of grants), but only when it is necessary to comply with the current laws and regulations of the KILROY Foundation. The KILROY Foundation will typically gather the following information: |
3.1 Information concerning grant applicants The information provided to us when applying for a grant is the fact that you applied, date of application, first name, last name, date of birth, gender, email, phone number, address, nationality, age at the time of your travel abroad, most recent level of completed education (Secondary School, High School, Undergraduate Degree (Bachelor or similar), Postgraduate Degree (Master or similar), PhD, Other), current main occupational status (High School student, Undergraduate Degree (Bachelor or similar), Postgraduate Degree (Master or similar), PhD, Military Service, Full-time work, Part-time work, Unemployed, Intern/trainee, Other), fact about studies abroad and length of studies abroad, number of countries you have lived in (6 months or more), excluding where you currently live, number of continents have you travelled to, excluding where you currently live, number of languages you can speak in addition to your mother tongue, current living condition (live alone, live with my girlfriend/boyfriend, live with roommates, live at home with my family (parents, grandparents etc.), Other), total yearly income (including public student grants and government support etc.), confirmation in regards applications for other grants, confirmation in regards a grant to use within the next 2 years, confirmation in regards application for the KILROY Foundation Grant, information in regards receival of financial support in addition to the KILROY Foundation Grant (will receive government support, will receive support from my family, will receive a salary, have saved up and will fund it myself, other), region of the world are you planning to go (Africa, Asia, Middle East, Latin America, North America, Oceania, Europe, Other), information in regards whether your experience abroad will end before September 2018 (yes, no), are you going abroad alone (yes, no, with an organized group, no, with friends, no, with family), expected period of staying abroad, main purpose for going abroad (Study Abroad, Community Volunteering (e.g. disaster/crisis support, education, food bank, sport), Nature Conservation Volunteering (e.g. forestry conservation, rainforest preservation), Wildlife Conservation Volunteering (e.g. animal rescue center, animal sanctuary), Internship/work in Educational institution, Internship/work in Volunteering organisation, Internship/work in a company, Other), longest period of time you have been abroad, previous involvement in volunteer work (Yes, Community Volunteering (e.g. disaster/crisis support, education, food bank, sport), Yes, Nature Conservation (e.g. forestry conservation, rainforest preservation), Yes, Wildlife Conservation (e.g. animal rescue center, animal sanctuary), None of the above), participation in extra-curricular activities or student led initiatives in the past (Yes, I was part of a student led organisation, Yes, I was part of an NGO, Yes, I was part of Political/Government organisation, Yes, I participated in music related activities and/or organisation, Yes, I participated in sports related activities and/or organisation, Yes, I participated in educational related activities and/or organisation, Yes, I started my own student organisation, Yes, I started my own company, None of the above), any previous work experience (Yes, student work, Yes, full-time work under 1 year, Yes, full-time work over 1 year, Yes, part-time work, None of the above), main objective of your stay abroad (Personal development, Make new friends, Learn about a different culture/cultures, To improve academic skills, To explore the world, Explore life outside my comfort zone, Take a break from work/school, Gain new perspectives, Find yourself), phrase that best describes your approach to challenges (I dive in with an open mind, I consider my options and use my experiences to help me, Seek advice from people who have faced the same challenges, Accept the challenge and learn from it, Avoid the challenge and do something else, Discuss my options with others and act accordingly, Assess the situation on my own, Ask someone else to deal with it for me, Make a decision by following my intuition, Other), answer to the question, when was the company’s original name, “Scandinavian Student Travel Service,” changed to “KILROY?”, answer to the question which the following activities we don’t offer?, answer to the question, where did you hear about The KILROY Foundation Grant (KILROY Facebook, KILROY Newsletter, KILROY website, Grant database/portal, the KILROY Foundation Facebook, the KILROY Foundation website, ISIC, Search engine like Google or Yahoo, Friends and family, Other (please specify below)) as well as other personal information about your personality and your plans / experiences abroad, that you provide to us in a brief letter in regards your application. At the Step 2 of evaluation, the KILROY Foundation processes the following applicants’ personal data: name, last name, email name of organisation/school/company and/or personal activity you plan to engage in while traveling, city and country of departure, expected start date, expected duration (indicated in number of weeks), flights expenditure, accommodation costs, additional information regarding costs towards your experience (optional), explanation on what you expect to do on your planned experience abroad (this could include tasks, responsibilities, activities, engagements etc. (Max 500 words)), information provided in a short motivation essay about what you hope to gain and learn from your experience abroad (max. 1000 words)), additional information (optional information) in regards who you are and what you plan to do, additional material, which you feel is relevant to your application (for example: any informative video material which you have recorded in the past, video testimonial, images, slideshows or blog articles - about you, your past or future travels, and exchange or volunteer experience, documentation of your nationality, occupational status and affiliation with volunteer or educational program you are or intend to visit abroad, fact that you have not received the KILROY Foundation Grant before. |
3.2 Information concerning our grant recipients Information you provide when you apply for the grant (see paragraph 3.1.) as well as the fact of award, date of award, grant amount, bank account number, personal number (according to tax legislation), your experience abroad through photos and or videos with short testimonials. We may publish the following information through the media, KILROY Foundation website, Facebook and Instagram: Grant recipient's name, surname, age, place of residence, occupation, as well as the fact of award, date of award, grant amount, your experience abroad through photos and/or videos with short testimonials. |
3.3 Data concerning collection and management of donations from individuals and organisations When you decide to donate the KILROY Foundation will receive your personal data from financial institutions transferring payments, every time you donate. The KILROY Foundation receive data regarding the payment and other information related to the payment, such as your name, middle name, last name, bank account number, bank name, the amount of transferred donation, date of transfer and the purpose of transfer. For detailed information about your data processing at financial institutions transferring payments for donation, please read the financial institution's privacy policy.
3.4 Information concerning submitters of queries The information provided to us when you submit a request via platform is: first name, middle name(s), last name, email, phone number, content of message, further communication. |
4. What do we use your personal data for? The KILROY Foundation processes your personal data to fulfil the purposes stated below. Notice, that not all purposes, categories of information, recipients of information and types of procedures are applicable to you in all cases. The KILROY Foundation exclusively processes your personal data to the extent necessary for you as an applicant for a grant, grant recipient, benefactor or a requester or in accordance with existing law. |
4.1 Applicant’s administration The KILROY Foundation processes your personal data when you apply for the KILROY Foundation grant for the purposes of applicant’s applications administration as well as statistics. All statistics and analysis are compiled in anonymized form and therefore do not contain information, that can lead directly back to you as a person. Due to the amount of the applications received every year, KILROY Foundation is obliged to use automated decision making for the initial screening of the first round of applications. The purpose of the usage of automated decision-making is to select the best applicants for the second round. Depending on the relevance of the answers to the KILROY Foundation's values, the points are allocated automatically for each application. Depending on the number of points obtained, a priority line is drawn up. |
4.2 Administration of grants and implementation of the KILROY Foundation rights and obligations The KILROY Foundation processes grants recipients’ data when the recipients are chosen. The KILROY Foundation grant recipients are notified by email and grant amount is transferred to the recipient’s account. Administration of grants and data regarding the KILROY Foundation rights and obligations mean, distribution of funds, implementation of legal requirements applicable to the foundations, compliance with current laws and regulations fulfilment of grant recipient rights and responsibilities, as well as publicity of the KILROY Foundation activities. Publicity of the KILROY Foundation activities includes without limitation, publication of grant’s recipient experience abroad through photos and or videos with short testimonials through the KILROY Foundation website, Facebook, Instagram and other media channels. |
4.3 Collection of donations from individuals and organisations The KILROY Foundation collects donations from individuals and organisations to support ongoing projects. Donations from individuals are collected via donation function. The KILROY Foundation processes data to comply with the law governing the beneficiary's activities as well as distribute donations.
4.4. Administration of requests When you submit a request via platform or email, our aim of processing your personal data is to provide all sufficient information you have asked for and to administer communication with you. |
5. How long the data is been stored? 5.1. Personal data for the purposes of applicants’ administration are processed from the moment the application is submitted. Personal data are stored for 12 months after the closure of the selection and grant recipient determination procedure. 5.2. Personal data for the purposes of administration of grants and implementation of the KILROY Foundation rights and obligations are processed since the closure of the selection and grant recipient determination procedure. Personal data of the grant recipient are stored for 10 years after the closure of the selection and grant recipient determination procedure. 5.3. Personal data for the purposes of compliance with the law governing the beneficiary's activities as well as distribution of donations are processed since the receival of donations. Personal data for the purposes above are stored in accordance with the Danish legislation after the receival of donations. 5.4. Personal data for the purposes of administration of requests are processed since the receival of requests. Personal data are stored for 12 months after the receival of requests. The KILROY Foundation strives to guarantee that all personal data we process is correct and up to date. We therefore always ask you to inform us regarding possible changes in your personal details (e.g. change of address, name, phone number or email) so that we can guarantee that your personal data is always correct and up to date. You are entitled to update your personal data immediately in case of changes.
6. Legal base for processing your personal data The KILROY Foundation essentially processes your information on the following grounds: your consent (e.g. Collection of donations from individuals), entering into and fulfilling contractual agreements with the KILROY Foundation (e.g. Administration of applications and grants, administration of requests, automated decision making), fulfilment of legal duties that the KILROY Foundation is required to meet (e.g. implementation of the KILROY Foundation rights and obligations, administrations of grants, collection of donations). The processing is necessary to comply with the KILROY Foundation rights, that arise from national law or EU law. In addition, there may be situations where we treat your personal data for the sake of third parties' legitimate interests with regard to the purposes described above, unless consideration for your interests is deemed more important. |
7. Sharing of Personal Data The KILROY Foundation only discloses data to the extent necessary for the activities of the KILROY Foundation to comply with legal requirements. The KILROY Foundation does not transfer data to any third party. To be clear, the KILROY Foundation Grant Committee reviews and evaluates all applications and selects grants recipients. The committee may be composed of members who are not bound by the employment relationship with the KILROY Foundation, but the KILROY Foundation Grant committee will always be considered internal part of the KILROY Foundation. By accepting the grant, grant recipient confirms acceptance of the KILROY Foundation rules including publication of grant recipient’s experience abroad through photos and or videos, testimonials through the KILROY Foundation website, Facebook, Instagram and other media channels. Only grant recipients’ data are enclosed to the public for the purposes of publicity of the KILROY Foundation activities. Applicants’, benefactors’, requesters’ data shall not be enclosed to the public, unless otherwise agreed with the data subject. Furthermore, the KILROY Foundation may disclose your personal data to suppliers and service providers so called data processors as a part of normal operation of the foundation, e.g. in connection with external administration of our IT systems, webpage, analysis, reports, communication channels, audit, legal assistance, etc. |
8. International transfers of your personal data Due to the nature of the KILROY Foundation activities, your personal data may not be transferred to countries outside the EU / EEA. |
9. Data integrity and security Personal data will be stored no longer than necessary in order to fulfil the purpose for which they have been collected, unless the storage is required to comply with national legal requirements, including statutory storage periods in connection with bookkeeping, etc. It is the KILROY Foundation’s policy to protect personal data by taking adequate technical and organisational security measures. When your personal data is no longer needed, we will ensure that they are deleted in a safe manner. |
10. Your rights You are entitled to access to any personal data we have registered and use, information on where it comes from and what we use it for. You can obtain information about how long we store your data, who receives data about you and to what extent we disclose data in Denmark and abroad. Your right of access may, however, be restricted by legislation, protection of other persons’ privacy and consideration for our activities and practices. Our know-how, organisational secrets as well as internal assessments and material may also be exempt from the right of access. In certain circumstances, you have the right to object to our processing your personal data. This is the case for example when the processing is based on our legitimate interests. If the data is incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant, you are entitled to have the data corrected or erased with the restrictions that follow from existing legislation and rights to process data. These rights are known as the “right to rectification”, “right to erasure” or “right to be forgotten”. If you believe that the data we have registered about you is incorrect, or if you have objected to the use of the data, you may demand that we restrict the use of these data to storage. Use will be restricted to storage only until the correctness of the data can be established, or it can be checked whether our legitimate interests outweigh your interests. If you are entitled to have the data we have registered about you erased, you may instead request us to restrict the use of these data to storage. If we need to use the data we have registered about you solely to assert a legal claim, you may also demand that other use of these data be restricted to storage. We may, however, be entitled to other use to assert a legal claim or if you have granted your consent to this. You can withdraw your consent at any given time. Please note that if you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to offer you specific services or products. Note also that we will continue to use your personal data, for example, to fulfil an agreement we have made with you or if we are required to do so by law. If we use data based on your consent or as a result of an agreement, and the data processing is automated, you have a right to receive a copy of the data you have provided in an electronic machine-readable format. If you are a subject of a decision made by automated decision making you can also ask to obtain human intervention on the part of the decision, or to express your point of view to the decision and to contest the decision based on automated decision making if you don’t agree with the content of automated decision in 14 days after the decision was presented to you. If you wish to claim one or more of your rights, please contact us at [email protected]. Your request will be processed in accordance with the data protection legislation currently in force. Complaint about the processing of your personal data by the KILROY Foundation can be made to: Datatilsynet Borgergade 28, 5. 1300 København K Denmark E-mail: [email protected]
11. Updates The KILROY Foundation regularly evaluates and updates this privacy policy. Therefore, please regularly check this privacy policy for any changes that may affect our processing of your personal data. |
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